Monday, 14 February 2022

Top 3 Trends For Mobile App Development Companies To Follow In 2022

Technological advancements have traveled a long way, especially when it comes to mobile applications. Various companies are expanding their business through mobile apps. Mobile apps help them to connect to the target customers and increase their sales.

According to a survey, 91.69% of the world's population will be using mobile phones in 2022. Generally, an average person has 30-40 apps downloaded on his smartphone.

The growth in demand for mobile apps is the reason for the steep rise in the number of mobile app development service providers over the last years. Here we would like to list a few mobile application development trends to follow this year:

  • Mobile Commerce

Marketers predict this year mobile commerce apps will jump up to $432.2 billion by the year-end. Online retail businesses are continually expanding their business using mobile apps due to the user's engagement and product sales.

Mobile commerce is beating in-store and traditional shopping because it provides services that customers need. So this year mobile app development companies can develop more online shopping apps.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML)

AI & ML will be in trend just like last year in mobile app development. Siri and Alexa are the best examples of this technology. This invention has fallen into numerous mobile app projects, providing a better-personalized user experience. 

Chatbots and virtual assistants are there for voice search, apps like e-commerce AI & ML play a significant role in 2022. Mobile app development companies take advantage of AI & ML to incorporate in app development.

  • Smart Mobile Connected Things

IoT technology has brought us an advanced ecosystem of connected devices, gadgets, and apps in the last few years. Wearable devices use IoT for voice commands and allow people to make voice commands in meaningful app interactions. In 2022, this trend will be in-market and play an impactful role.

We all know that mobile app development is going via a fast transformation. Mobile app development companies can gain profit if they follow these trends this year. Quacito LLC is a San Antonio based mobile app development company with 10+ years of experience. If you have any app idea to implement, we can develop a mobile application for your idea with our expertise.

Feel free to contact us.